About GSU  



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140155 Moscow region
Ramensky district
s. Electroizolyator, 67
Tel: 8(496) 469-75-33
Tel/Fax: 8(496)464-76-40


  Institute of Fine Art and Design  

Institute of Fine Art and Design is the main structural unit of Gzhel State University, located in the very centre of Russian Ceramic Art. History of artistic education in Gzhel has its beginnings in 1899 with the opening of Drawing Courses at The Stroganov Imperial School of Art. In 2003 the Faculty was established, and first generation of students were enrolled in the programme of "Decorative and Applied Art".

Director of the Institute Rozhnikov Alexander Alexandrovich - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow region, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Organizational and structural capacities of the Institute allow for continuous improvement of quality standards in the formation of specialists obtaining Bachelor and Masters degrees in the fields of Decorative and Applied Art and Design.

The Institute Staff consists of highly qualified lecturers - professors, assistant professors, Honoured Artists of Russian Federation, Honoured professionals in the field of cultural activity, bearers of postdoctoral and Ph.D. degrees.

Within the framework of educational process, students acquire substantial theoretical knowledge in subjects of Art History, History of Technical Design, History of Art Ceramics, Materials Science and Technology, alongside with general artistic skills in the fields of Academic Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Plastic Modelling, and professional training in different areas of engineering.

Students are obliged to consolidate and improve acquired knowledge and practical skills through the processes of study and working practices in manufactures Folk Art enterprises of Moscow Region, and Moscow museums.

Every year, student graduation works replenish the collection of the University Museum of Decorative and Applied Art.

Òechnical resources include potteries, plaster modelling and mold-making workshops, painting classrooms, carving and stained glass workshops - where students have the opportunity to work with different kinds of materials, carrying out their educational tasks and putting into realization their experimental, creative and graduation projects.

The University Museum, whose collection continuously increases due to the acquisition of new showpieces, plays in the educational process a role of utter importance.

Methodical, Still life and Plaster molds holdings have been formed; our students find at their disposition fully equipped specialized workshops, classrooms suited for work on Art and Design projects, Art History, Lecture Halls, Computer classrooms, Library and Gymnasium.

The Institute realizes professional training programs in the fields of Decorative and Applied Art and Traditional Crafts, Design and Artistic Folk culture.


Programme Code Programme Profile Qualification (Degree) Duration
54.03.02 Decorative and Applied Art and Traditional Crafts Artistic Ceramics BA 4 years
54.04.02 Decorative and Applied Art and Traditional Crafts   MA 2 years
54.03.01 Design Landscape Design BA 4 years
54.04.01 Design   MA 2 years
51.03.02 Artistic Folk Culture Decorative and Applied Art pedagogist BA 4 years
51.05.04 Sculpture   Specialty 6 years
54.05.05 Painting   Specialty 6 years


Basic Profile Courses:

  • Art History,
  • History of Traditional Artistic Crafts (TAC),
  • History of Artistic Ceramics,
  • Academic and Technical Drawing
  • Academic Painting,
  • Academic Sculpture,
  • Plastic Modelling,
  • Colour Science,
  • Propedeutics,
  • Materials Science and Ceramics Technology,
  • Digital Technologies and Computer Graphics
  • Elements of Decorative Plastic,
  • Elements of Graphical Stylisation,
  • Construction and Modelling,
  • Elements of Pottery,
  • Elements of Composition,
  • Elements of Architecture,
  • Architectural Ceramics,
  • Decorative Ceramics etc.


Students of the Institute take active part in International and Russian Art exhibitions, festivals, student scientific and working conferences.

Students conduct master-classes on painting and pottery making in Youth Creativity Centres, public and artistic schools, at the All-Russian Exhibition "Vessel".

Traditional events at the Institute include the organization of individual teaching-staff and student exhibitions, organization of the International Festival "Artistic Ceramics", events as "Student Initiation", graduation nights, thematic field trips, encounters with leading Artists and Designers from Russia and abroad.

The Institute maintains and develops active relations with professionally akin higher educational institutions, production units, and Artistic Unions such as the Union of Russian Artists, Union of Designers of Russia, Moscow and Moscow Region; actively assists graduates in the employment process.

The students of the Institute of Fine Art and Design also take active part in scientific and research work under the guidance of teaching-staff members; take part in scientific and work conferences. Institute students are laureates of the Moscow Student Festival "PHAESTOS", the UNESCO Award, Award of the International Competition of Young Designers "The Golden Line", Award of the All-Russian "Young Talents" competition, and other cultural events.

The Institute holds firm positions on the educational market of Russian Federation.




Rector of GSU D. S. Somov and Director of the Institute of Fine Arts and Design A. A. Rozhnikov open an exhibition of diploma works of graduates of the Institute of Fine Arts and Design   Awarding of participants of the international festival of childrens, youth and student creativity "Blue Bird of Gzhel"!




The work of the round table on the topic: "Gzhel folk art craft in the context of the national cultural heritage"   The solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Week of Science dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia




The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Creative Locomotive competition   As part of the Week of Science dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia, an unusual exhibition "Beauty Born in Fire" was opened at the State State University


Lessons on Modelling   the lesson in painting


Plainair in the Ignatevo village   Lesson in the Workshop


Lesson in the Workshop   Practice in the Pottery Workshop


Workshop Practice   Inspection and assessment of student works


Project "Easter Composition". Author D. Shaiakhmetova, laureate of theInternational competitions "Young Talents", "Russian Art Week" in Prague, All-Russian Pottery-Art Festival "City of Master Artisans"


Coffee Service "Saint-Petersburg Mysteries", Author D. Krasnikova, laureate of International Festivals "Phaestos", "Art Ceramics", "Days of Slavic Art in Berlin and Madrid", and Competition "Russian Art Week 15 - Graduationworks in the Universityhall


Decorative Lamps "Awls". Author L. Epifanova, laureate of the All-Russian Competition of Young Designers "The Golden Line"

  Students works


Students works   Students works


Students works   Students works


Students works   Students works


Students works   Stained-glass


Design students works  

Provost B.V. Ilkevich and Salvadorian painter F. Llort at the Opening Ceremony of the International Festival "Artistic Ceramics" in 2014


Diplomas and souvenirs awarded to the winners of the International Festival "Artistic Ceramics"