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  Institute of social and humanitarian education  

Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education Director of the Institute Pozdnyakova Irina Robertovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. The teaching staff consists of highly qualified specialists with academic degrees or experience in the field of service and tourism.

Every year on September 27, the Institute begins the Month of Tourism, dedicated to the celebration of the International Tourism Day, established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.

On this occasion, students visit tourist expositions, go on excursions to the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, hold various competitions and quizzes, and participate in animation programs.

Students design and develop various tourist routes around Moscow and Gzhel. Many excursion routes have been officially approved: a walking tour "The City of Ramenskoye at the turn of the century", a walking ecotour "A walk in the Ramenskoye city park", a bus tour of Ramenskoye, a bus tour "Shatura - the city of suns", a bus tour in Khimki, a walking tour " Old Believer Gzhel”, excursion “By railroad to Gzhel”, walking tour “Gzhel legends”, etc. The Institute also occupies a strong position in the educational services market of the Moscow region.

The structure of the Institute appears to be extremely well adapted to the requirements of the market. As part of the educational process, students acquire in-depth knowledge of economic theory, management, the stock market, banking, business economics, financial management, public sector economics and taxation. Consolidation of the received theoretical concepts and models is achieved through participation in various internship programs implemented in cooperation with leading regional firms, municipal and state authorities.

In addition, educational and methodological training complexes developed by the Institutes specialists allow each student to effectively organize an individual educational process.

Programme Code


Qualification (Degree)





4 years




2 years


Pedagogical Education: 1. Physical Culture 2. Adaptive Physical Culture 3. Visual Arts 4. Foreign languages.


4 years


Psychological and Pedagogical Education


4 years




4 years




2 years


Personnel Management


4 years




4 years


Finance and Credit


2 years


State and Municipality administration


4 years


Business Informatics


4 years

Students of the Institute of social and humanitarian education work out entertaining programmes for animators, participate in television projects, learn how to attend tourists coming to Gzhel and design excursions for them.

Formative activities of the Institute includes the following programmes

Basic Profile Courses:

• Technology and organization of activities related to travel agency management and operations in the sphere of tourism,

• Legal aspects and assistance in travel agency management and operations in the sphere of tourism,

• Innovations in sociocultural service and tourism,

• Acting skills for tourist guides,

• Hospitality industry,

• Technologies of the selling processes

• Tourism formalities,

• Insurance and risks in tourism,

• Technology and organization of national and international tourism,

• Hotel business technologies

• Hotel services standardization and quality control,

• Legal regulation of Hotel business activities,

• Information technologies in management of sociocultural activities,

• Planning of sociocultural activities,

• Innovation technologies in hotel industry,

• Catering organization technology,

• Hotel staff management,

• Organization of Animation activities,

• Advertising in tourism and service media, etc.

• Microeconomics,

• Banking,

• Corporate finances,

• Management,

• Budget institutions finances,

• Modelling of socio-economical processes,

• International finance,

• Investment rating,

• Complex analysis of economic activities,

• International standards of financial accounting,

• Insurance,

• Financial management

• Project management

• Accounting and analysis,

• State and municipal property management,

• Municipal law,

• State and municipal commission management,

• Regional administration and territorial planning,

• Russian Federation tax system,

• Labour law,

• Land law, ect.

Professional activity sphere includes elaboration and realization of organizational forms concerning comprehensive tourism service.

Baccalaureates employed in tourist firms can fulfil the following duties: reservation agent, advertising and marketing manager, tourist firm director, head of marketing department, head of public relations department, head of costumer services department, head of HR department, etc.

Job opportunities for students with BA in Sociocultural Activities include work in cultural and leisure centres, child pre-school and extracurricular institutions, scientific and research organizations, public and commercial structures, supplementary education centres, etc.

Institute graduates, as a rule, work as organizers of original sociocultural projects and programs, directors, administrators, producers, impresarios, market specialists, managers of innovative administration systems in the spheres of culture, leisure and art.

Obtaining a degree at the Institute of social and humanitarian education offers you unlimited possibilities of career choices and growth. Every year, our students became interns at the leading firms and enterprises of Moscow and Moscow Region, suitable to their educational profile. This way, students not only get firm knowledge concerning their professional subject matter, but they also acquire valuable work experience with the leading business representatives in Moscow Region and from abroad.

Students of the Institute take an active participation in inter-university and international scientific conferences and student Olympics.

Traditional festive events at the Faculty include "The Freshmans Day", Faculty Days and Graduation Evenings. Also, students take active participation in University-wide events. The Institute has its own KVN (Club of the Merry and Quick-witted) team with the most active students regularly taking part in its activities. Considerable attention is dedicated to the organisation of students leisure.

The Institute maintains close connections with entrepreneurs, regional organisations and regional administrative agencies, helps students with the realization of internship and externship programs and, once they have graduated, helps them in the employment process.





Students perform tasks at an open seminar on the discipline of Mathematics and Informatics   Within the framework of the discipline "Methods of teaching mathematics in elementary school" took part in the educational event "I am an elementary school teacher".




Students at the lesson on the style of the English language   During a tour of the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Gzhel State University




The practice of English teachers at school   Students and teachers took part in an event dedicated to countering transformation on the topic "Forms and methods of countering transformation." The round table was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, Associate Professor of the Department of the Department and Organization of Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences I.V. Chistyukhin.




Study tour on the discipline of local history and the basics of museology   Lesson History of Gzhel University