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Somov Denis Sergeevich, Rector of Gzhel State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

From March 1983, he worked as a teacher of history, social studies, the foundations of the Soviet state and law in secondary school ¹ 47 in Krasnodar on the state assignment.

In December 1985, he was transferred to the Pervomaisky District Committee of the CPSU in Krasnodar as an instructor in the Propaganda and Agitation Department.

From 1987to 1990 he was a full-time postgraduate student at Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, after graduating, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in history. He taught at the Department of Political History of Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute until September 1992.

In 1992-1997 - Director of a number of commercial enterprises.

In 1997-1999, Deputy Head of the Educational Department for Work with Branches, Associate Professor of the Department of Contemporary National History and Sociology of Kuban State University.

In 1999–2002 - Head of the Department of Licensing Expertise of the State Attestation Service of the Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Krasnodar Region.

In 2002–2005 - Head of the Department of Higher and Additional Professional Education of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Region.

In 2005–2006 - Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Krai.

From 2006, he worked as First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Innovative Development and External Relations of the NOU VPO University of the Russian Academy of Education (from October 2007 to 2015, part-time).

From October 2007 to June 2020, he worked as the director of educational institutions in Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium ¹ 710 named after Peoples Teacher of the USSR V.K. Zhudov" of the Russian Academy of Education and GBOU School ¹ 74.

Since June 2020 - Acting Rector of Gzhel State University. Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, GSU.

Since September 2022 Rector of Gzhel State University. Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, GSU.

In 2007 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. He has an academic title of Associate Professor. He has numerous scientific works on history, pedagogy.

Scientific supervisor of 3 successfully defended candidates of pedagogical sciences. He was a member of dissertation councils, an expert council on psychology and pedagogy of the Higher Attestation Commission, expert councils of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Member of the expert commission of the Interdepartmental Council for awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

For achievements in the field of pedagogical sciences he was awarded the K.D. Ushinsky Medal and a Diploma of the Russian Academy of Education.